Over 6,600 people attended the Philippines Missionary Training Center (MTC) Expansion Open House from Friday, June 2nd through Saturday, June 10th. Tours were available on weekday evenings and all-day Saturdays.
With the expansion, the MTC will be able to accommodate around three hundred missionaries at one time. The new facilities provide state-of-the-art instructional technology and very comfortable surroundings to enhance the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional preparations of the missionaries as they begin their eighteen to twenty-four month missions.
For those who were unable to attend the open house, below is a summary of a visit.
Introduction to MTC’s and Missionary Life
The guests started in the Activity Center. They first had the opportunity to take pictures at photowalls as if they were missionaries. Second, they saw a video where they were welcomed by MTC President Rudy Carlos and his wife Brenda. They explained the purpose of MTCs, where the other 14 are located around the world, and the history of this MTC. The video then introduced guests to missionary life. Following the video, the guests went on a walking tour of the two new buildings.
Residence Building
First, they went to the Residence Building where they saw the large laundry room where missionaries in the MTC wash their clothes each week on their preparation day. Then they got a chance to go into a residence room to see the beds, study desks, closets, sinks, shower and toilet that are shared by the four missionaries assigned to each room. On the three floors of residences, there are 34 rooms that can house a total of 136 missionaries.
Training Building
Guests then went to the Training Building. They started in the basement, which includes support areas like the barbershop, mailroom, missionary supply store and the material storeroom and assembly room. In this last room, missionary materials are put together so that each new missionary has all the materials needed in the MTC and mission field. Each missionary also assembles an emergency kit for three days in case of an emergency, like a severe storm.
Next, guests went to the second floor to see a ponder area, which is designed for individual or small group study. Then to a classroom where groups of eight to twelve missionaries, using state-of-the-art instructional equipment, are taught how to be successful in missionary work. Finally, visitors saw the room that teachers, who are recently returned young missionaries, prepare to teach about how to be a successful missionary. The total classrooms on two floors are fourteen and can accommodate eight to 18 missionaries.
The ground floor includes six teaching practice rooms. These rooms are set up like a living room in a house and are used by the missionaries to practice teaching others about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Volunteers come to provide simulated situations to help missionaries practice. The final room was the Brigham Young Room. This is used for Sunday worship services, weekday devotionals with outside speakers and large group instructions. The room has translation rooms that can accommodate four languages being translated simultaneously.
- MTC Activities Center
- Photo op
- MTC Laundry
- Residence room
- Study Desk
- New Barbershop
- Mail Room
- MTC Bookstore
- Materials Assembly Room
- 72 hour kit
- Missionary Supply Store Room
- Ponder Room
- District Room
- Teacher Preparation Room
- Teaching Practice Room
- Brigham Young Room
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